The first track to be played is 'Feel For You'. The opening of the song has some very catchy guitar chords, a high tempo and with the introduction of a steady drum beat, they certainly have created the sounds of a fantastic single. Overall it is a well structured song, with a solid chorus that anyone can sing along to.
'Little By Little' is the second song on the EP, following on from 'Feel For You', the tempo is carried on through to this song. The repetitiveness of the lyrics "little by little" are the main talking point of this song. Many bands and singers sometimes get it wrong with over use of the word, but Shoot The Poet have managed to keep that balance just right, to the point where you end up loving the song as a whole.
Shoot The Poet certainly have created a four track EP that showcases how talented these indie rockers from Hartlepool are and I don't think that is highlighted any brighter than in the song 'Hold'. With the opening woooo's, the beginning the song has a summery feel to it. It is slightly slower than the previous two songs but never the less, it's a different angle of music from the band. As the song develops further, it produces a section that without a doubt when performed live, allows the crowd to sing along with the boys.
The final song on this epic four track EP is 'The Mythical Sea'. It is without a doubt rockier than the other songs and it has a heavier bass feel throughout. There is a part of the song where the tempo is slowed down and allows the power and talent to be shown in lead singer Dom's voice. It is a very different sound that the band have produced but it shows that they can certainly change their style of sound and still come out with a song that undoubtably their fan base will still love.
Overall, the EP is a success in my eyes. You can tell throughout the band have worked hard at producing this and have taken their time when it comes to actually fine tuning each song. The boys will be proud of what they have produced and so they should be, it's an EP that I am certainly excited to get my hands on.
If you want to get your hands on Shoot the Poet's debut EP, head to the Studio in Hartlepool on April the 1st, where the boys will be putting on a gig with support, to celebrate their release date.
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