Written by Adam Gallagher
As we roll into 2016, I chose this song basically because they have finally reunited! They are hitting the road later this year and I am finally getting to see them live, that's right my track of the week features Busted, and it would only be fitting if it was possibly the most well known song, Year 3000.
It was written by all three members of Busted, James, Charlie and Matt along with the help of Steve Robson and Graham Jay. Year 3000, was a song based around what the trio thought the future would look like. Living under water, boy bands left right and centre and something about triple breasted women but let's leave that there. If you had to describe to someone what a british, guitar playing boy band sounded like; surely this band and track would be in the top 3 examples, it also highlights the music which was produced in the early noughties.
This single is a massive part of the foundation of Busted's success, it reached number two in the UK charts back in 2003 and it became the 34th biggest selling single of that year.
The reunion of the trio will surely encourage people to fall back in love with the band and also the music which they produced.
The single is so good, american trio 'The Jonas Brothers' decided to revamp the track and put a twist on it, but I'll leave that for you to decide to listen to, I'll apologise now if you ever do.